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Accreditation at Engineers Australia - an introduction

Engineers Australia contributes to the assurance of entry to practice engineering education programs by providing professional accreditation services to Education Providers.

Accreditation provides assurance that a program is suitably designed and delivered to prepare graduates for entry to professional practice in a specified field of engineering. Engineers Australia is the internationally recognised signatory to the Washington, Sydney and Dublin Accords through the International Engineering Alliance.

In this session we will provide an overview of the importance of accreditation to the engineering profession and give you an insight into how the process works.

This webinar will:

Raise awareness of what accreditation is and how the process is undertaken
Explain the importance of accreditation to the engineering profession
Show the link between accreditation and international mobility
Explain the role of a Discipline Expert in the accreditation process and show you how you can be involved.

Who should attend
This event is relevant to anyone who has in interest in how accreditation works and who may wish to be involved in the process as a volunteer Discipline Expert.


About the speakers
Bernadette Foley
General Manager, Professional Standards, Engineers Australia

Mark Bush
Chair Accreditation Board, Engineers Australia
Emeritus Professor Mark Bush graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from the University of Queensland and then a PhD from the University of Sydney. In 1984 he took up the post of Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Western Australia and was subsequently promoted to Professor. He served as Head of the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics.

He is a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) and Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia (Hon FIEAust), and has participated in EA in a range of capacities, including President of the WA Division, elected member of the National Congress and Chair of Engineering Heritage WA. He has been a member of the Accreditation Board for 11 years, and as Chair for the last three years. He is also a Fellow of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE).

Jane MacMaster
Chief Engineer, Engineers Australia
Jane MacMaster has worked as an aerospace, mechanical and systems design engineer in Australia and internationally, focusing primarily on supersonic flight vehicle design, operations research and rapid prototyping in the Defence and cyber security sectors.
She has previously worked as a senior advisor within the strategy unit of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Prior to becoming Chief Engineer at Engineers Australia, she developed a generalised approach for complex problem solving which she taught across all faculties at universities, and to staff from Commonwealth, and State and Territory government departments. She is a director on the Board of the Australian Council of Professions.

Bernadette Foley

Acting Chief Engineer, Engineers Australia

Jane MacMaster

Mark Bush