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Accelerating active transport with 30K speed limits

The topic of 30km/h speed limits in neighbourhood streets encompasses the potential benefits for road safety, public health, and community well-being. By examining best practices, international context, and Australian case studies, professionals can gain valuable insights into this road safety intervention. Furthermore, discussions on community education and engagement strategies contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Learning outcomes

  • Enhanced understanding of the relationship between speed limits and community well-being.
  • Insights into effective strategies for implementing and promoting road safety interventions.
  • Exploration of international and local examples, highlighting diverse approaches to 30km/h speed limits.

About the presenters

Rod King

Champion for 30km/h and 20mph default speed limits

The founder of 20’s Plenty for Us has been involved with the implementation of 20mph limit in the UK and Europe since 2004. 20’s Plenty for Us now has over 600 local campaigns that work within communities to influence authorities to set 20mph or 30km/h urban/village speed limits as a norm. Local authorities with a total population of 28 million people in the UK (43% of population) have implemented such a policy including over half of the largest 40 urban authorities, all of Inner London Boroughs and many shire counties. Wales has already passed legislation to set a national 20mph urban/village default. Most of these have been implemented without physical calming but include community engagement and education to gain community behaviour change. He will explain how authorities see benefits that are far wider than casualty reduction and the results found from such implementations. He will also make reference to the global adoption of 20mph and 30km/h limits as a norm. In 2013 Rod was awarded an MBE for “services to road safety” and has spoken at many international conferences.

Dr Soames Job

Dr Soames Job is a globally recognized road safety leader and now CEO and principal of Global Road Safety Solutions. Previously he was Head of the Global Road Safety Facility, and Global Lead Road Safety with the World Bank. Soames will give an overview of the GRSF/WRI Low Speed Zone Guide, and experience of implementation examples.
