Construction noise modelling, mitigation design and impact management on major infrastructure projects
The last decade has seen the emergence of a multitude of major infrastructure projects in Australia, including Sydney Metro, WestConnex, Western Sydney Airport, Cross River Rail, Melbourne Metro, North East Link Project.
These projects provide challenges in the assessment, mitigation and management of noise impacts due to site constraints, proximity to sensitive receivers and condensed project timelines.
This presentation looks at noise modelling, design and impact management on some of Australia’s biggest infrastructure projects. Noise modelling of complex construction activities needs to take into consideration the model uncertainty, input selection and sensitivity analysis, noise propagation standards and detailed review of outcomes. Design considerations include physical mitigation measures such as acoustics sheds, noise barriers, temporary noise barriers or enclosures, ventilation mitigation. Planning and management measures for short-term night-time works are described.
About the Speakers
Principal Acoustic Engineer, Renzo Tonin & Associates
Tracy is a Principal Engineer in the Renzo Tonin & Associates Sydney office and has over 20 years of experience in acoustic consulting. Tracy has been involved with a diverse range of environmental acoustic projects. Her fields of special competence include large transport infrastructure projects, road traffic noise and pavements, environmental impact assessments and construction noise and vibration. As a Principal Engineer she is skilled in project management, client liaison, tender bids, team leadership, computer modelling and stakeholder consultation. Tracy has worked on many state significant infrastructure projects in NSW. She has lead the construction noise and vibration management team on several tunnel excavation projects, providing an innovative approach to the management of construction noise and vibration in metropolitan areas.
Senior Acoustic Engineer, Renzo Tonin & Associates
Adrian Morris is a Senior Engineer in the Renzo Tonin & Associates Sydney office with more than 7 years of experience in acoustic consulting. Adrian was awarded his Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering in 2015 from the University of New South Wales, Sydney. Since commencing his acoustic career, Adrian has developed a thorough knowledge of policies and engineering standards relating to construction noise and vibration, and has assisted numerous clients across Australia. As the Lead Software Developer of Gatewave (, Adrian has facilitated rapid noise assessments for major infrastructure projects across New South Wales. The Gatewave platform has allowed for thousands of tailored construction noise assessments to be conducted by site personnel in support of out of hours work permits and successful licence variations.
Principal Acoustic Engineer, Renzo Tonin & Associates
Mattia Tabacchi is a principal acoustic engineer and team leader of the Construction Team at Renzo Tonin & Associates with more than 13 years of experience in environmental and building acoustics. Mattia has provided detailed noise and vibration impact assessments and acoustic design advice for an extensive range of major infrastructure projects in Australia such as Sydney Metro North West, Sydney Metro City and South West, WestConnex (1A, M8, M6 and Rozelle Interchange), Western Harbour Tunnel, Parramatta Light Rail, Sydney Metro West, Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport, TfNSW Transport Access Program, North East Link (Melbourne), Suburban Rail Loop (Melbourne), Melbourne Metro and Cross River Rail (Brisbane) successfully liaising with construction joint ventures and government agencies (EPA and Department of Planning). Mattia has also worked on a variety of projects in building and room acoustics including noise and vibration impact assessments for commercial ,industrial and retail premises taking projects through their life cycle from concept design through to final commissioning.